Energy Savings Scheme NSW

Upgrade your business equipment and system processes

Part of the Energy Security Safeguard

  • Access a range of energy savings for your business by upgrading existing appliances and equipment or purchasing new ones
  • Incentives are available through the NSW Government as part of the Energy Savings Scheme
  • Additional benefits are available through the Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (both schemes are part of the Energy Security Safeguard).

Upgrading equipment, appliances and system processes can help your business become more energy efficient, cut electricity and gas use and lower the cost of your bills. Doing so will also improve the affordability, reliability, accessibility and sustainability of the energy system in NSW.  

How the upgrades work

The upgrades are provided by approved suppliers throughout NSW. These are also known as Accredited Certificate Providers (ACP). 

You can request quotes from a number of suppliers to ensure you are getting the best deal. 

When you contact an approved supplier, they will confirm whether they operate in your location. Suppliers listed in a region may not serve the whole region. 

You must engage a supplier before any work begins. You cannot be reimbursed for works that have already started or are already completed.

Your chosen supplier will assess whether you are eligible to receive the incentive through the scheme. 

There may be a co-payment depending on the equipment upgrade and model chosen. 

You can either:

  • work with tradespeople proposed by the approved supplier.
  • work with your own preferred tradespeople that are subcontracted by an approved supplier.

The old equipment will need to be disposed and recycled by the electrician or plumber. This is to ensure that old, inefficient equipment is not used anywhere else. 

What to expect

All suppliers are expected to follow certain standards, including:

  • identifying themselves to you 
  • explaining the process to you including any forms or requirements
  • providing details of the new appliance or equipment
  • demonstrating how to use the new appliance or equipment
  • providing assistance for a set period of time after the installation
  • removing any old equipment which is being replaced.

Like with any work undertaken by a contractor at your business, you should consider a number of factors before deciding who to work with.

Make sure you:

  • check the installer’s credentials, including their trade licence
  • confirm which supplier they are working with/subcontracted by
  • check the equipment upgrade they wish to install will meet your needs
  • understand your commitments for the upgrade
  • check any paperwork that needs to be completed, or ask for assistance if you are unsure
  • understand that the replaced equipment must be disposed of appropriately. This will usually be done by the installer or supplier.