Investing in crypto – record keeping requirements

Crypto asset records you should keep

You need to keep records of each of your crypto assets for each and every transaction (including coin swaps), to work out if you have made a capital gain or loss.

For your crypto assets, you should keep:

  1. receipts when you buy, transfer or dispose of crypto assets
  2. a record of the date of each transaction
  3. a record of what the transaction is for and who the other party is (this can just be their crypto asset address)
  4. exchange records
  5. a record of the value of the crypto asset in Australian dollars at the time of each transaction
  6. records of agent, accountant and legal costs
  7. digital wallet records and keys
  8. a record of software costs that relate to managing your tax affairs.

You need to keep details for each crypto asset as they are separate CGT assets. Keeping good records is essential for meeting your tax obligations, and saves us time when we prepare your tax return.

Tips for protecting crypto asset records

Keeping good records is important as crypto can be volatile. These record-keeping tips may help safeguard you against loss of information, which could happen at any time. Keep these records during the period you hold or transact using crypto:

  1. Export your transaction history regularly (eg every 3 months) to protect you in case of loss of access to your account
  2. Before closing an account, export your complete transaction history
  3. Find a reputable Australian crypto tax calculator – there are free and low-cost services you can use to sync your exchange and wallet accounts
  4. Use a blockchain explorer or contact the crypto exchange’s customer service if you need to recreate lost records.

How long to keep records

Keep records for 5 years from the latter of:

  1. when you prepare or obtain the records
  2. when transactions or acts are complete
  3. the year that the CGT event happens.

You should keep records long enough to cover your amendment period (usually 2 or 4 years) for an assessment that uses information from the record.

Your records must be in:

  1. English or be translatable to English
  2. in writing, however they can be electronic/digital or paper.