Have You Ensured Your Workplace Meets Safety Requirements for the Christmas Holiday Period?

It is vital that during the lead up to the holiday period and Christmas, we prioritize work health and safety!

The lead-up to Christmas creates its own challenges in the workplace with busy schedules, tight deadlines and planning for celebrations. As we draw closer to the end of the year, workers and employers are urged to put safety first, understand the risks involved and work together to prevent Christmas-time workplace incidents and injuries.

WHS during Christmas Period

The Christmas ‘craziness’ can mean an increase in injuries and has even resulted in fatalities as businesses are pushed to meet client deadlines and wrap projects and activities up before the end of the year. 

In retail, its meeting the surge in demand and extra opening hours. In the construction sector, its builders, tradesmen and contractors trying to finish projects, and in manufacturing, its factories and warehouses trying to finalise and complete orders before the holiday shutdown.

What do you need to do?

The safest workplace is one where employers and workers stop and take the time to think about the work they will be doing and plan to do it as safely as possible.

Have you taken a few moments to identify if any additional strategies are needed in your workplace? 

  • Do you have processes or rosters in place to manage fatigue?
  • Are your workers outside and have you considered the impact of summer heat?
  • Have you appropriate supervision, coordination and training for any additional staff in your workplace?  

Ensure these types of considerations are made and communicated with workers so that deadlines are met without creating unnecessary risk.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility, and it is up to all employers and workers to work together to make sure injuries do not happen.

How can we help?

Our team at Allan Hall Safety and Allan Hall Human Resource Services have years of first-hand experience to guide you and your business to a safe, enjoyable and incident free festive season. 

If you require assistance in assessing risks, preparing workplace policies or to discuss how you can avoid incidents or injuries at your workplace or Christmas party, please call Allan Hall Safety on (02) 8978 3752 or contact us using the button below.

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