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Nicole Woolley

Client Manager, Superannuation

About Nicole Woolley

Nicole came to Allan Hall over a decade ago, with many years’ experience in the financial planning industry as both a paraplanner and then Financial Planning Manager for one of the big four banks. This client focused background combined with her love of analyzing technical issues was a perfect match for her move into specializing in superannuation.

She is excited about innovation and is always generous in passing her cutting-edge technology ideas to clients and team members in order to implement best-practice solutions and ensure maximum efficiency.

What you may not know about Nicole

A passion for volunteering and giving back to the community, has seen Nicole involved in many charity, community and school organisations -often as a treasurer.  Nicole loves Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and is a committed runner on both road and trail. With several sessions per week somewhere on the Northern Beaches, the aim is to finish with coffee at a local café.

Qualifications and Memberships

  • Bachelor of Linguistics (Communications)
  • Bachelor of Business (Accounting & Financial Planning)
  • Dip. Of Financial Planning


Phone: +61 2 9981 2300

Email: [email protected]

Allan Hall: Multi-award winning firm

Allan Hall Business Advisors continues to be recognised by our industry and peers with individual, network and firm-wide awards and accolades.

For full details including a complete list of our recent awards, please click below.

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Global alliance focused on business excellence

Together as One. Allan Hall Business Advisors is a Member of the Alliott Global Alliance of independent professional firms.

The Alliott Global Alliance is a growing alliance of over 200 accounting and law firms across more than 90 countries globally. As part of this group, we can connect with like-minded members of Alliott Global Alliance in other jurisdictions to support and advise our clients who are wishing to explore and develop business opportunities both locally and internationally.

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