Have you paid your Superannuation Guarantee Contributions for the December 2019 Quarter?

Staff superannuation guarantee contributions for the December 2019 quarter are due before the 28th of January 2020.

We would like to remind all employers that Superannuation Guarantee (SG) Contributions for December 2019 are now DUE and must be received before the 28th of January.

If you are an employer or are responsible for managing employee superannuation contributions, we wish to remind you to pay staff superannuation guarantee contributions for the quarter ended 31st December 2019 BEFORE 28th January 2020 or you can be liable for penalties.

When arranging payment for this quarter, please ensure that you allocate enough time for processing. Payment must be received and banked by your employee’s super fund BEFORE 28th January 2020. Allowing 5 working days BEFORE the due date to remit your contributions is a good general rule of thumb.

Sg Payments Due Now! (2)

What happens if the payment deadline is not met?

If payment is not made by the deadline, or to the correct fund, you may have to lodge a Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) statement and pay the SGC. In some cases, Directors of companies can become personally liable if superannuation guarantee contributions are not paid by the due date.

Should you require assistance or advice in relation to the above please contact us on +61 2 9981 2300 or email [email protected] and your usual Allan Hall advisor will be able to assist.

How can we help?

If you have any questions or would like advice to ensure you and your funds are well prepared for the next quarterly due dates and beyond, please contact our team of Super advisors on +61 2 9981 2300 or use the below button.